- 1/8" Specialty Cast Acrylic
- Pattern is infused throughout the piece
- any minor pigment "flecks" in this acrylic may be present and are normal
- Already paper masked on both sides
- The settings I start with on my GF Pro is medium red (or 160/full for cut)
- Some patterns may be more dense/thicker than others so BE SURE TO DO A 1" CIRCLE, STAR, OR SQUARE TEST
*The photo is adjusted to most accurately reflect how the acrylic looks in person, but please note that the actual product coloration/patterns may vary.
1/8" Copper Pearl Acrylic
Return Policy
Please inspect all digital and/or physical product(s) immediately. If there are any issues or you would like to request a refund, contact us within 3 business days from receiving the product(s). The refund request should include your original order number, a reason for the request, and any applicable photos. Not all items are eligible for return (i.e. shipping charges, "misfits", etc.). If a refund is applicable, it will be made back towards the same method of payment minus any shipping charges. If a replacement/return is applicable, the customer is responsible for any return postage unless otherwise expressed by Cerulean Tides Enterprises, LLC. We reserve the right to refuse the return or to charge a restocking fee of up to 25% if items are not returned to us in its original condition.